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Vol. 3 No. 1 (2008)We begin on a quarterly basis for the Journal of WICS for 2008. We hope to receive interesting manuscripts from our readers that will enable us to continue to publish articles on diverse topics that reflect issues of importance to the US and PRC.
Vol. 2 No. 3 (2007)This edition of the Journal covers a variety of topics, several of which are current hot issues and several of which are introductory efforts that we will continue to cover in subsequent issues. The first article tackles an issue of growing importance; the relationships between China and Africa; particularly trade that is developing between China and the 53 individual African countries. As a demonstration of our continuing interest in this issue we plan to conduct a one day seminar on this topic in the spring 2008 in Washington DC at one of the local universities. We follow this up with an article on US – India relations which considers the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) as a third party in these matters. The third article is an impressionistic piece regarding public administration scholarship in Northwestern China, an area not often visited by American scholars. This article is noteworthy because it is written by David Rosenbloom America’s foremost public administration scholar.
Vol. 2 No. 2 (2007)This edition of the Journal of WICS begins with a thought provoking article dealing with the issue of how long China’s amazing economic growth can continue. What challenges will China face in the short run and what environmental issues will China face in the longer run? The future well being of the PRC requires solving these two issues or at least ameliorating their worst aspects.
Vol. 2 No. 1 (2007)We begin the second year of publication of the Journal of the Washington Institute of China Studies with an article on a topic which main stream public administration journals will not touch. It deals with a topic that the general public knows exists but which public administration scholars refuse to recognize – pathological government. Why do so many government programs fail to resolve problems and primarily only spend tax payers money. This enables politicians to buy votes with our taxes. Politicians walk away with more dreams to expand the size of government and keep incumbents reelected. Government remains the only institution that can make corruption legal. If one doubts this look at the tax code. Professor Bingman explores the topic based on his long career in government and as a consultant to many countries. His vast experience is not based on statistics or counting noses but rather on experience. This topic is worth pursing from a world wide perspective not merely US and PRC.
Vol. 1 No. 2 (2006)
This, our second edition of the Journal of the Washington Institute of China Studies, follows a slightly different format than the first. Instead of eight articles of about the same length, this edition begins with an extensive study of Higher Education in China focusing on recent reforms enacted and proposed for future enactment designed to bring Chinese universities into the “World Class” category. Since the opening in 1979, the best and brightest Chinese students have usually pursued advance studies abroad, usually in the US. Many of these students did not return to China upon graduation. World Class universities at home should help stem this brain drain and aid Chinese development to sustain economic growth required to raise the standard of living for many Chinese. -
Vol. 1 No. 1 (2006)This issue opens up with in overview of reform in China and the difficulties China faces in achieving it. The author introduces a new concept in public administration, that of “pathological government”. Because this concept has a negative connotation of governmental performance most PA journals do not care to touch it. But it remains more real in the 21st century than “market failure” which has been since the latter half of the 20th century a rationalization for expanding the role of government and spending more taxpayer’s money in pursuit of buying votes and staying in power. This journal will keep the concept of “pathological government” on our agenda in future editions.
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