Editorial Note

  • Mark M. Michalski


Our current issue of Business and Public Administration Studies (BPAS) continues to experience a mix of joyous growing pains with continuous concerns and search to expand Editorial Board to best serve the needs of readers and contributors. We have been actively exploring the possibility to team up with a University where we might have a more solid base of students-readers (and writers) at a high academic level. So the stream of continuous contributions and readership remains our number one priority. We also are pursuing another, yet related strategy of searching to team up with an Institution in Washington DC that would help anchor PBAS with public policy interests, issues and profiles. I have held several discussions with a number of professors from various universities. Some of them having read previous issues of the WICS Journal have suggested that it should be morphing into even broader and more ethics-related topics to reflect the need of global forum. Also, having approached some leading think-tanks that might benefit from a synergy of our publication offers, it is clear that there is an imminent need to explore and expand in to this area.