Supervisory Board group dynamics as a determinant of team and company effectiveness. Empirical evidence from Poland

  • Małgorzata Marchewka Cracow University of Economics, Poland


The structure and functioning of Supervisory Board are the most important determinants of team effectiveness and the performance of a company. At the same time ability to control and shape Top Management Team (TMT) effectiveness seems to be crucial for investors and shareholders. In traditional concepts, TMT effectiveness is related to the structure of the managing group, however the inconsistency of empirical studies implies further search for other explanations. One of them is a concept of group dynamics, which emphasizes indirectness of the relation between group characteristics and group effectiveness, as well as the importance of group processes, such as effort norms, cognitive conflict or group cohesiveness. The study conducted among companies listed on the main market of Warsaw Stock Exchange (Poland) enabled the construction of model illustrating the above relations. Moreover, the significance of group processes for team effectiveness was explored. The paper has been prepared in the framework of research project which was funded by the National Science Centre, decision no. UMO-2011/01/N/HS4/02166. 

Author Biography

Małgorzata Marchewka, Cracow University of Economics, Poland
Ph.D. Candidate


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