The Process of Designing a Company’s Organizational System in Light of Empirical Research

  • Mariusz Sołtysik Cracow University of Economics


Traditional methods for designing a company’s organizational system do not meet contemporary requirements. It results, among others, from increased uncertainty, organizational restructuring processes as well as changes in companies’ business environment. The paper defines “an organizational system” as a complex system characterised by the following factors: its subjective structure  comprises teams of employees, business entities and institutions; its objective structure is composed of material and non-material elements; it is a construct which performs structural, process, coordinating, motivating and integrating functions; its instrumental area comprises methods  and techniques related to diagnosing, designing, decision-making, controlling, IT activities, etc. Organizational systems represent a special type of management systems.The author presents the results of research related to the process of designing a company’s organizational system. Also, the paper discusses a theoretical approach to the designing process and presents a framework for the concept of research studies.The conducted analysis is aimed to identify problems which occur in the practice of designing a company’s organizational systems. The collected data allow for presenting a critical review of the usefulness of designing methods offered in literatures. This general outline of research work is a basis for setting two specific and more focused objectives: (1) identification of relationships between a company’s conditions of functioning and its organization, and (2) analysis of methodological approaches adopted by people engaged in the process of designing organizational systems.


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