Non-profit Organizations in China and Their Future Prospects

  • . Nala School of Public Administration, Renmin University of China


China’s Non-profit Organizations (NPO) were integrated into the government after the establishment of the People’s Republic of China in 1949. Civilian organizations literally disappeared. After 1978, China’s landmark reform date, non-profit organizations started to re-emerge. In more recent years, with rapid economic development and multiplication of social demands, particularly the push of the Olympic Games and the Sichuang Earthquake, nonprofit organizations have grown exponentially. They start to play more and more important roles in fulfilling the social services gaps left by the government and the businesses. However, the current NPO registration system and dual management system have constrained the development of NPOs and many newly emerged grassroots NPOs do not have legal personality. Up to date, the government has passed relevant laws and regulations relaxing its traditionally tight control over civilian organizations, and the NPOs are also joining hands to promote the change of governmental regulations in favor of NPO development. Presumably, the ever increasing NPOs will lead to the change of China’s NPO governance rules and regulations, help with China’s NPO growth, and eventually, strengthen China’s civil society.


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